Privacy Notice for the Family Law Bar Association (“the FLBA”)

Thank you for your continued membership of and interest in the FLBA. We will need to collect and hold your personal information in order to carry out our work. We will take all possible steps to protect your personal information and we are determined to do nothing that would infringe your rights or undermine your trust. This Privacy Notice describes the information we collect about you, how it is used and shared, and your rights regarding it.

Data Controller

We as an organisation are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) as a Data Controller for the personal data that we hold and process as a member. Our registered address is PO Box 857, Haywards Heath, RH16 9PR and our registration number is ZA207449.

Data Collection

All the information that we hold about you is provided to or gathered by us in the course of carrying out our role representing you and ensuring that you have access to up to date information and events.

Our Lawful Basis for processing your information

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires all organisations that process personal data to have a Lawful Basis for doing so. The Lawful Bases identified in the GDPR are:

  • Consent of the data subject
  • Performance of a contract with the data subject or to take steps to enter into a contract
  • The legitimate interests of ourselves, or a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests, rights or freedoms of the data subject.

Examples of legitimate interests include:

  • Where the data subject is a member;
  • Transmission within a group of undertakings for internal administrative purposes;
  • Processing necessary to ensure network and information security, including preventing unauthorised access
  • Processing for direct marketing purposes, or to prevent fraud; and
  • Reporting possible criminal acts or threats to public security.

Our Lawful Basis is consent or performance of a contract and our Legitimate Interest is that you are the member or have expressed

I use your information to:

Provide information as to our ongoing work and events;
Invite your input to consultations;
Take payment for membership;
Send you copies of Family Affairs and other publications;
Provide you with other relevant information of products made available via the FLBA.

We collect and process both personal data and special categories of personal data as defined in the GDPR. This includes:

Client data

  • Name;
  • Email;
  • Phone number;
  • Address;
  • Payment or bank details;
  • Date of call;
  • Location details;
  • Device IP address.

I may share your personal data with:

  • Paragon – The printers for Family Affairs;
  • The Electoral Reform Service.

Transfers to third countries and international organisations

We do not transfer your data outside of this jurisdiction.

We are satisfied that such transferred data is fully protected and safeguarded as required by the General Data Protection Regulation.

We retain your personal data while you remain a member unless you ask us to delete it. Our Retention and Disposal Policy (copy available on request) details how long we hold data for and how we dispose of it when it no longer needs to be held. We will delete or anonymise your information at your request unless:

  • I am legally required not to; or
  • There are overriding legitimate business interests, including but not limited to fraud prevention and protecting customers’ safety and security.

Your Rights

The General Data Protection Regulation gives you specific rights around your personal data. For example, you have to be informed about the information we hold and what we use it for, you can ask for a copy of the personal information we hold about you, you can ask us to correct any inaccuracies with the personal data we hold, you can ask us to stop sending you direct mail, or emails, or in some circumstances ask us to stop processing your details. Finally, if we do something irregular or improper with your personal data you can seek compensation for any distress you are caused or loss you have incurred. You can find out more information from the ICO’s website and this is the organisation that you can complain to if you are unhappy with how we dealt with you.

Accessing and Correcting Your Information

You may request access to, correction of, or a copy of your information by contacting us at

You can edit your personal data by emailing us.

Marketing Opt-Outs

You may opt out of receiving emails and other messages from the FLBA by following the instructions in those messages.


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We will occasionally update our Privacy Notice. When we make significant changes, we will notify you of these through either mail or email. We will also publish the updated Notice on our website.