Annual Dinner
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Friday 23rd February 2024
6:45pm - 12:00 am
Lincoln’s Inn, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3TL, UK
The Annual Dinner of the Association will take place on Friday 23rd February 2024 at 6.45 p.m. for 7.15 p.m. in Great Hall, Lincoln’s Inn. I am delighted to inform you that our guest speaker is The Rt. Hon. Robert Buckland KC MP, former Solicitor General, Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice.
The Dinner is open to all members of the Association, whose subscriptions are current, and the Committee’s guests, including senior members of the Judiciary and other friends of the Association, to whom we send this invitation. I regret that space in the Hall does not permit us to accommodate individual members’ guests (including spouses or partners).
As is customary, there will be an opportunity to indicate when booking, should you wish to do so, any person with, or near, whom you would like to be seated. I shall try my best to accommodate everyone who expresses a preference, but cannot guarantee to seat all 290 attendees next to their ideal dining partner! You may use the same section to indicate if you would prefer NOT to sit with members of your own chambers.
Payment will be taken via the online booking form.
Booking must be completed by no later than 12 noon on Friday 2nd February 2024.
This date is fixed to meet the Inn’s deadline for the final seating plan, which is necessary for it to cater safely for allergies and dietary requirements. I therefore have very limited flexibility to accommodate late requests for places after registration for tickets has closed.
Members who book but find themselves unable to attend are asked to notify Khadija (ev****@fl**.uk) before offering it to another member of the Association.
Should you have any special dietary requirements, you must indicate this when booking online.
Dress will be black tie and the evening will end by midnight. For those of you who wish to leave earlier, the speeches are expected to conclude by no later than 10.30 p.m.
The price of tickets is, once again, £85 with a reduced rate of £50 for the first 25 applications received from members called in or after 2019 and £50 for the first 25 applications from members whose principal Chambers are situated outside London.
Charlotte Hartley, FLBA Secretary